Double the Pain Brings Double the Pleasure. It's A New World Record for The Double Ironman!
Posted on June 23, 2007 12:00:00 AM
Vadim, New World Champion!
As if the Ironman competition weren't difficult enough, Mr. Vadim Suraev of Israel decided to double his challenge when he set out to compete in the 2007 Double Ironman.
He may have doubled his pain but that pain was short lived when he not only won the competition, but set a new world record in the process.
For those of you who can't do the math, a double Ironman translates into an incredible 4.8 mile swim, followed by a 224 mile bike, followed by a 52 mile run. That kind of puts it in perspective.
Helping Vadim complete the 224 mile bike ride in record time was the Cannondale Slice bike. The perfect ride for his perfect race.
So how does one top a new world record in a double Ironman? He starts training for the deca-Ironman. Yes, that's 10, count 'em... TEN Ironmans back-to-back: 24 mile swim, 1120 mile bike & a 260 mile run!
saludos ceci
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