el 20 de mayo steve larsen muere con 39 años , cuando estaba entrenando, en la autopsia se descubriò como causa de la muerte un virus o alergia.
Ha sido de los pocos que compitiò al mayor nivel en carretera, con el equipo motorola y lance armstrong , mtb, campeòn de la norba y triatlòn noveno en hawaii.
Estaba casado y tenìa 5 hijos. La marca maxxi tiene dos neumàticos referidos al nombre de su hija amalia, maxxis larsen tt y su hijo maxxis mimo por massimo...
May 20th, 2009
Steve Larsen Dies after Collapse
Steve Larsen, who won races as a professional road cyclist, triathlete and mountain biker, passed away on May 19.
According to Larsen’s family friend, Michael Nyberg, Larsen collapsed during a track workout. Despite immediate medical attention, he could not be revived. He was 39, and he leaves behind his wife, Carrie, and their five children.Cause of death was viral or related to allergies according to autopsy.
Larsen raced alongside Lance Armstrong on Team Motorola in the early ’90s, competing in events around the world, including the Giro d’Italia. Then, he moved onto mountain biking, and in 1998 and 2000 won the NORBA National Cross-Country title. In 2001, he began racing triathlon, and later that year placed ninth at the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii. He retired from professional racing in 2003, but continued to race for fun as he ran his real estate agency in Bend, Oregon.He was father of 5 children.
At Sea Otter, his son Massimo was like "you have a shoe named after you," but I was like "hey, your dad has two tires named after you and your sister!" (The Maxxis' Larsen TT is called TT after Larsen's daughter Amalia, while the Maxxis Mimo is the nickname for his son Massimo)
tyres ( neumàticos)
video interview sea otter ( entrevista en la prueba sea otter)
interview slowtwitch( entrevista )
saludos ceci
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