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Found: Anti-Theft GPS Bicycle Tracker
posted by BasqueDoug - December 5, 2010 - 4am EDT
Imagine the situation. You park your beloved bicycle outside your work, locking it securely. Unbeknown to you a thief starts to cut your lock, however the vibrations trigger the cunning alarm you have hidden in your bike which sends you a SMS to let you know there is a problem. Despite rushing downstairs immediately you are just too late and see the thief cycling away. Undaunted, you run back to your computer, log on to a special website and follow the movements of the thief until the vibrations stop, thus revealing your bikes location so you can go round, or call the police, to retrieve it. Sound far fetched? Then read on to hear more about this great new security device.
This unique GPS tracker is cunningly concealed inside a fully functional rear bike light. Designed by GPSTrackThis, once the Spylamp is activated a vibration sensor detects any movement of the bike, notifies the owner via SMS that the bike is in motion and uploads its position to the GPSTrackThis website. So long as motion is detected the device continues to upload its position every 20 seconds allowing the owner to plot the course of the bike and it’s current location. It is also possible to set the device to transmit it’s position either upon demand or at set intervals. It is worth noting that the motion sensor needs a few seconds of continual motion to activate, so an accidental bump or passing car shouldn’t trigger the alarm.
The device works with any mobile network in the world and the user only has to buy a pay-as-you-go SIM with each GPS upload being charged at a fraction of a cent.
GPSTrackThishas sold the Spylamp online for the past few months, however the firm has now ceased online sales and is looking for a distribution partner or interested retailers to get in contact. They are also working on a new tracker which can be hidden inside the bicycle frame, getting around the one obvious disadvantage of the Spylamp system.
New anti-theft GPS bike tracker: What does our expert think?
Posted by Jonathan Maus (Publisher/Editor) on December 2nd, 2010 at 5:35 pm
Watch out thieves, there's a GPS in there.
(Photos: GPS Track This)
[Via BikeBiz]
Word is quickly spreading on the Interwebs tonight about what many have considered the Holy Grail of bike theft — a GPS tracker for bicycles.
UK-based GPS Track This now offers (wholesale only at this point it seems) the "Spylamp Bicycle GPS Tracker", a small device that is hidden in a rear light. They also offer a free smartphone/text/web service that can track your bike when it gets stolen. Here's an excerpt from a story in BikeBiz.com:
"Activated by pressing the on/off button for three seconds, the light flashes three times to confirm it is activated. The Spylamp has a vibration sensor, which is armed when activated, detecting movement in the event of a bike thief stealing the bike. The device sends an SMS text message to the owners mobile to notify that the bike is moving, and then uploads its position to GPS Track This’ website every 20 seconds until the vibration has stopped. The website plots the course of the bike on a map, revealing the bike’s location."
I asked our resident bike theft expert, creator of StolenBicycleRegistry.com and co-developer of the BikePortland Stolen Bike Listings Bryan Hance, what his thoughts were about this potentially revolutionary product:
1) I question if it'll play nice with US cellular networks, the SIM/text charges will differ over here depending on the cellular provider. Its tech specs make it look compatible with our networks but since they're shipping with a UK/Tesco prepaid SIM I wonder what the cheapest equivalent will be here in the U.S. (The two biggest cell providers in the U.S. that support GPRS, according to Wikipedia, are AT&T and T-mobile. The cheapest prepaid T-mobile card is $10.)
2) 1 year battery life? seriously? my standard light doesn't even last this long, so I wonder if this is actually true
3) Cops may not 100% like it because they don't like people recovering their own gear. Leads to assaults. Plus even with GPS tracking if it's in an apartment building or other high density area you're pretty much screwed. But still better than nothing.
4) Thieves will adapt and start looking for these but this mention is more promising "The firm also similar tracking devices in the works too, including a tracker hidden inside the bicycle frame".
If the Spylamp proves reliable in the field, it could change how law enforcement and communities aSpylamp Bicycle GPS Tracker
Spylamp is a covert tracking device that is hidden inside a bicycle rear light. The rear light appears and functions as normal to avoid suspicion but inside it houses a complete GPS tracking device. Hold the on/off button down for 3 seconds and your trackers vibration sensor will activate. Any subsequent movement of your bicycle will mean you get an instant SMS message and the tracking function will activate so you can see where your bicycle was taken
Free Online Tracking Service
Should your bicycle be stolen, this vibration activated tracker will begin uploading its coordinates to our free online service. You can log into the WhereIsIt page and see where your bicycle was taken. This service is free for you to use.
Extremely cheap to run
Using a typical UK SIM, each position upload costs approximately GBP 0.0006p. We do not charge you anthing, this is just the SIM data charge
Anti-theft lanyard
Spylamp comes with a hardened steel wire cable that loops around the seatpost. It is not possible for a casual theif to simply unscrew the clamp or to break the light away from the clamp
The tracker also transmits its coordinates to you via SMS. You can send the tracker a text message and it will reply with its GPS coordinates. You can also configure the tracker to send you its coordinates at regular intervals.
GSM fallback
Should your bicycle be inside a building it may not be able to obtain a GPS lock. In this case it will fall back to GSM positioning. This is less accurate (approx 200 meters) but will give you an indication of where your bicycle is until it can obtain a better lock
Vibration Activated
When you must leave your bicycle in a high risk area (such as a public cycle rack), hold the on/off button down for 3 seconds and the light enters alarm mode. If it then detects excessive vibrations it will send you an SMS immediately and then start online tracking. You can log onto this website and see where your bicycle was taken
Light trigger
The light will act as a trigger. Any time a thief uses the bike, it will check if it is stolen and start sending you its coordinates. In this way your bicycle light will act as bait, should a thief try to use it they will give their location away. Bicycle tail lights are a legal requirement in the UK
The light contains a rechargable lithium battery and comes with a charging cord. The light can go for > 1 year between charges. It does this by entering a sleep mode when it is not being used and only wakes an preset intervals. (ie 6 hours) to check if you have sent it a "stolen" text message. You can adjust these settings depending on your preference for longer battery life or faster response.
The tracker is designed to look inconspicuous. It appears as a regular bicycle tail light and functions as a regular bicycle tail light
All configuration is done by sending the unit SMS text messages. Once it is installed, you should not need to touch it again.
Your tracker requires a SIM card. Since it will use little credit it is usually most cost effective to buy a pay-as-you-go SIM and just top it up occasionallycross the globe deal with the scourge of bike theft. Bryan has requested a review sample. We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, poke around the GPS Track This website or download the Spylamp owners manual (PDF) to learn more
Spylamp Bicycle GPS Tracker
Spylamp is a covert tracking device that is hidden inside a bicycle rear light. The rear light appears and functions as normal to avoid suspicion but inside it houses a complete GPS tracking device. Hold the on/off button down for 3 seconds and your trackers vibration sensor will activate. Any subsequent movement of your bicycle will mean you get an instant SMS message and the tracking function will activate so you can see where your bicycle was taken
Free Online Tracking Service
Should your bicycle be stolen, this vibration activated tracker will begin uploading its coordinates to our free online service. You can log into the WhereIsIt page and see where your bicycle was taken. This service is free for you to use.
Extremely cheap to run
Using a typical UK SIM, each position upload costs approximately GBP 0.0006p. We do not charge you anthing, this is just the SIM data charge
Anti-theft lanyard
Spylamp comes with a hardened steel wire cable that loops around the seatpost. It is not possible for a casual theif to simply unscrew the clamp or to break the light away from the clamp
The tracker also transmits its coordinates to you via SMS. You can send the tracker a text message and it will reply with its GPS coordinates. You can also configure the tracker to send you its coordinates at regular intervals.
GSM fallback
Should your bicycle be inside a building it may not be able to obtain a GPS lock. In this case it will fall back to GSM positioning. This is less accurate (approx 200 meters) but will give you an indication of where your bicycle is until it can obtain a better lock
Vibration Activated
When you must leave your bicycle in a high risk area (such as a public cycle rack), hold the on/off button down for 3 seconds and the light enters alarm mode. If it then detects excessive vibrations it will send you an SMS immediately and then start online tracking. You can log onto this website and see where your bicycle was taken
Light trigger
The light will act as a trigger. Any time a thief uses the bike, it will check if it is stolen and start sending you its coordinates. In this way your bicycle light will act as bait, should a thief try to use it they will give their location away. Bicycle tail lights are a legal requirement in the UK
The light contains a rechargable lithium battery and comes with a charging cord. The light can go for > 1 year between charges. It does this by entering a sleep mode when it is not being used and only wakes an preset intervals. (ie 6 hours) to check if you have sent it a "stolen" text message. You can adjust these settings depending on your preference for longer battery life or faster response.
The tracker is designed to look inconspicuous. It appears as a regular bicycle tail light and functions as a regular bicycle tail light
All configuration is done by sending the unit SMS text messages. Once it is installed, you should not need to touch it again.
Your tracker requires a SIM card. Since it will use little credit it is usually most cost effective to buy a pay-as-you-go SIM and just top it up occasionally
1 comentario:
Hay también otro producto que no se esconde tan bien como ese pero que a mi parecer es mejor debido a que lo guarda todo en una base de datos. yo lo tengo para mi hijo también por seguridad ya que se va a entrenar solo. lo compre aquí www.mc-itracker.com
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