BIKES vs CARS tráiler en español
Bikes vs Cars no es sólo una película, somos parte de un movimiento global. Este documental está destinado para ser utilizado como motor para todos los que pensamos que un cambio es necesario y posible. La película investiga las políticas que hacen del modelo automovilístico un modelo próspero. Aquí un fragmento de la sinopsis:
Hay una guerra en curso: Bicicletas contra coches. Una industria de miles de millones de dólares que desde siempre ha hecho todo lo posible para crear una sociedad dependiente del coche. Cientos de billones de dólares se invierten cada año para vender el sueño de libertad que ofrece el coche. Ahora, los precios del petróleo y los atascos de tráfico han abierto espacio para la venganza de las bicicletas. Aparecen iniciativas creativas, políticos y activistas se enfrentan al poderoso coche. Los lobistas de los automóviles tienen un enorme impacto en la planificación de la ciudad, en el pasado y actualidad. ¿Se atreverán los políticos a desafiar a los lobistas?
BIKES vs CARS TRAILER from WG Film on Vimeo.
Bikes vs. Cars, a new film project from BANANAS! * and Big Boys Gone Bananas! * director Fredrik Gertten. Climate change and the daily stress of being locked up in a car frustrate people more than ever. People in cities around the world take on the bicycle as a Do It Yourself tool for change. But still: Car sales are booming. 1 billion cars today. 2 billion in 2020.
A film by Fredrik Gertten
Release 2014
The bicycle, an amazing tool for change. People all over the world are moving towards a new system. Will the economic power allow it?
-Para ver el tráiler en español, por favor, diríjanse al final de esta página-
Bikes vs Cars is not only a film, we are a part of a global movement. This feature-length documentary, a work-in-progress aiming for 2014 release, is meant to be used an engine for all of us that think change is needed and possible. The film will investigate the politics that keep the car model thriving. Here's a peak into the synopsis:
There’s an ongoing war: bikes vs cars. A multi-billion dollar industry that from early days has done everything to make society car dependent. Hundreds of billions of dollars are invested every year to sell the dream of car freedom. Now, oil prices and traffic gridlock have opened up room for bicycle revenge. Creative initiatives pop up, politicians and activists take on the mighty car. The car lobbyists have an enormous impact on city planning, in history and today. Do politicians dare to challenge the lobbyists?
Activists in car-booming São Paulo honor a killed bicyclist with a ghostbike.
Activists in car-booming São Paulo honor a killed bicyclist with a ghostbike.
The film will follow individuals around the world that are fighting to create change. We also meet a car commercial director, oil lobbyists and politicians afraid to lose the car owner's vote.
Director Fredrik Gertten and friends, shooting the Kickstarter film. Photo: Michel Thomas
Director Fredrik Gertten and friends, shooting the Kickstarter film. Photo: Michel Thomas
A note from director Fredrik Gertten
"I was born in Malmö, Sweden, a city where the bike is the natural choice for going from one place to another. I’ve traveled the world wondering why there is so little space for bikes, why it's so dangerous when it's so much more fun to explore a city by bike. The car model as we know it has reached an extreme level with constant gridlock and millions of productive hours lost. The frustration is growing and cities need to look into new models.
The urban biking movement is growing. Beginning just for the passion, the freedom on the bike, it has evolved into a political movement asking for better city-planning, safe and separate bike lanes. We also suffer from the the anxiety of climate change, but we are at least doing something about it. In Copenhagen and Amsterdam forty percent commute within the city on bikes. Try to adopt that number to other huge cities in the world and you have an existing utopia.
In Copenhagen, 40 percent commute on bike every day. Imagine the climate effect if other cities reached the same numbers.
In Copenhagen, 40 percent commute on bike every day. Imagine the climate effect if other cities reached the same numbers.
What would happen to car sales and oil usage if other cities followed that example? It would be revolutionary. And here's the conflict. The car industry is at the center of our economic system. They have money and investments to lose. For the car owners and commuters that have become so invested in their lifestyle, a change is painful. It’s a conflict that interests me. That's why I’ve decided to take on this project. A project of passion.
I am proud to be part of a growing global movement. I hope that everyone that takes part in this campaign will feel the the same and happily jump on their bikes, spread the word and donate."
We would love to become the Kickstarter documentary campaign with the most backers. Maybe not the largest amount of money, but in number of people. Because we believe that we are many that want a change. So help us show that WE ARE MANY. Even a small amount is a statement. Just click on the green “back this project” button to the right and next year we'll have a great film to show you!
The 50 000 USD we are asking for is needed for the post-production and outreach of the film and it’s message. The post-production stage is when we finally get to put all of the footage we've collected together. Edit it, add music to it, add subtitles. These things all take a lot of time and money, but are essential for presenting you with a strong, effective documentary. Once we're finished, we want to get it out to as wide of an audience as possible, which requires a lot of reaching out! Not only on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but also to film festivals, distribution companies, tv channels etc. This documentary is addressing a very global issue, so we want people around the world to get a chance to see it!
We also have exciting plans for bikes-vs-cars.com where we are working on more interactive content, like an app for measuring the change you make by going by bike, which will visualize how we together make a big difference. With more money and a larger community, we can be more ambitious in engaging with the audience and creating buzz around the issue. Playing a small part in changing the world.
BIKES vs CARS trailer
We offer a lot of fine perks and even the possibility to be one! If you want to be a bike guide in your city and become one of our most valuable rewards you should fill in this form: http://www.bikes-vs-cars.com/bike_tour_questionnaire
The artist Rebeca Mendez has done the artwork for BIKES vs CARS. We have 30 exclusive screen prints, signed by the artist, for our 350 USD reward.
Limitied screen print signed by artist Rebeca Mendez
Limitied screen print signed by artist Rebeca Mendez
Our 750 USD reward contains an invisible bicycle helmet. Fredrik Gertten did a short doc about the inventors of the helmet called Hövding. Take a look at it here:
One of a kind bicycle renovated by four bike kitchen is our 300 USD perk!
Sson 016 "Riding steel bikes is sophisticated, and good for both body and planet!"
Sson 016 "Riding steel bikes is sophisticated, and good for both body and planet!"
For 30 USD you will get the films DOLE Food Co don't want you to see. As you might know, Fredrik and WG film got sued for BANANAS!* and then he did a story about free speech, Big Boys Gone Bananas!"
BANANAS!* posters, designed by Rebeca Mendez
BANANAS!* posters, designed by Rebeca Mendez
Big Boys Gone Bananas!* opened at Sundance 2012
Big Boys Gone Bananas!* opened at Sundance 2012
WG Film is a production company based in Malmö, Sweden, famous for strong humanitarian stories that have travelled around the world since 1994. Films like: Love Always, Carolyn - The Socialist The Architect and the Twisted Tower - Blådårar, copros: Final Image and Oscar nominated Burma VJ. ALL FILMS
Read more about Fredrik Gertten here.
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