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xterra live 20:00 hora española XTERRA Worlds Live View From Maui Watch XTERRA announcer Kalei Waiwaiole as she gives you a first person account of the sights and sounds of the 2013 XTERRA World Championship. We'll bring you a live feed from the race start, swim, T2 and the finish beginning at 8:45am Hawaiian Time. Follow @xterraoffroad on Twitter, hashtag #xterramaui or the transcript at the bottom of this page for race updates. Follow Your Favorite Athlete The chip timing system we have this year can have swim split, bike split, and finish times of your favorite athlete automatically posted to your Facebook and Twitter timelines and/or have them sent to a mobile phone via SMS text. To set this up go to Track Athletes. Friends and family can also type your name into the search box here on raceday: Live Splits Note: Live timing isn’t always perfect, and results won’t be official until timing is verified. http://www.xterralive.com/worlds/ .-.-.-.-.-.-
Ruben Ruzafa post race Xterra Worlds 2013 XTERRA off road
At bike km 5 the top 5 men group together are Leonardo Chacon, Ben Allen - AUS, Asa Shaw - UK and Courtney Atkinson. And the women are Nicky Samuels NZ that has taken the lead with Flora Duffy, Barbara Riveros from Chile and Lesley Paterson
At the top of the climb we have Leonardo Chacon in the lead followed by Allen, Shaw, Ruzafa and Middaugh.
The top 5 women at the top of the climb are Samuels, Duffy, Riveros, Paterson and Jacqui Slac
Mile 13, km 24 of bike Chacon and Allen together at front, have 45 sec lead on Stoltz and Ruzafa.Women Nicky Samuels leads Barbara Riveros by 2:05, Lesley Patterson and Flora Duffy a further 30sec back in 3rd and 4th
After mile 15, km 27 on the bike Ruben Ruzafa has taken the lead with Ben Allen and Leonardo Chacon packed together. Asa Shaw and Conrad Stoltz are about a minute back.Nicky Samuels leads the women's race at Mile 15 of bike ... three minutes ahead of Flora Duffy, then Barbara Riveros and Lesley Paterson
T2 first ruzafa, 2º allen at 45 sec, 3rd stolz and chacon followed for middaaugh. Leaders into T2: Ruben Ruzafa, Ben Allen, Conrad Stoltz, Leo Chacon, Josiah Middaugh, Asa Shaw. Marvin Gruget. Women, Nicky Samuels ,1min Flora Duffy,20 sec Barbara Riveros,1minLesley Patterson,Jacqui Slac
At run mile 3, km 5 Ruzafa, Allen who is 1 min back with Shaw closley behind. Middaugh is running strong 2:15 back from the lead. Ruben Ruzafa in the lead approaching the beach stretch of the run.Asa Shaw now in second, Ben Allen third, Josiah Middaugh fourth.
Ruzafa wins 2nd time the world champ, shawn 2nd, allen 3rd
Ruben Ruzafa finish time 2:34:34. Asa Shaw in second 2:35:56, Ben Allen 2:36:21.Josiah Middaugh fourth overall and first American 2:37:40.Braden Currie from New Zealand in fifth, Conrad Stoltz from South Africa in sixth.Nico Lebrun from France in seventh. Marvin Gruget from France is eighth. Leo Chacon and Brice Daubord also make the top 10
. Nicky Samuels...2013 XTERRA World Champion!!!Lesley Paterson takes 2nd place!Flora Duffy places third for the women.Barbara Riveros from Chile takes 4th and Emma Garrard from Park City, UT rounds out the top 5.
Ruben Ruzafa from Spain made a triumphant return to the XTERRA World Championship by winning it five years after his inaugural victory in 2008. On the women's side, a new champion was crowned as Nicky Samuels from New Zealand took the title in her first appearance at the XTERRA World Championship. More than 800 endurance athletes from around the world gathered at The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua on Maui to participate in the off-road triathlon. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-
Spain’s Ruben Ruzafa Reclaims XTERRA World Title; Kiwi Nicky Samuels Stuns With Women’s Win
Published Oct 27,
2013 Ruben Ruzafa, 29, and Nicky Samuels, 30, were crowned the 2013 XTERRA world champions today in Kapalua, Maui, asserting the lead on the bike and never relinquishing it.
Ruzafa, formerly a pro mountain biker, won the title in 2008, in his first try at the event. Samuels, an ITU athlete who placed 35th in the London Olympics, came to Maui for some downtime and surprised even herself with the victory.
Men’s Race
Athletes were greeted with calm surf conditions but a substantial sea current for the 1-mile swim fronting the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua on Maui’s northwest shore. Aussie Courtney Atkinson, US National Champion Leonardo Chacon of Costa Rica, Brit Richard Stannard, Aussie Ben Allen and South African Richard Murray comprised the lead group that set the pace for the swim. Stannard, 39, was the first out of the water, posting the day’s fastest split of 18:48.
Atkinson was first out of transition, with Chacon and Stannard on his heels. Ruzafa had a 1:30 deficit coming out of the swim.
At mile 3 of the bike, then leader Chacon carried a slight lead over Allen, who was being tailed by Asa Shaw of the UK, Murray and Atkinson. Ruzafa was quickly gaining ground, however, and he and Allen took command of the bike race and began to assert a small gap on their closest chasers, which also included American Josiah Middaugh and South African Conrad Stoltz.
Ruzafa demonstrated his skill as a climber on the bike course, an 18.8-mile roller coaster that crisscrossed the lower slopes of the West Maui mountains and amounted to about 3,000 feet of climbing. Ruzafa was first into T2 (his 1:33:11 bike split was the day’s fastest),
Followed by Allen, Stoltz, Chacon, Middaugh and Shaw. At mile 3 Ruzafa enjoyed a 1-minute lead over Allen, with Shaw closely behind him and Middaugh running strong 2:15 down from the lead. Still, Ruzafa was able to keep his chasers at bay, crossing the finish first with an overall time of 2:34:34. Shaw, who recorded the fastest 10K run of the day, 39:24, crossed in second (2:35:56) and an ecstatic Allen held on for third (2:36:21). Middaugh was today’s top American finisher, finishing fourth in 2:37:40. Braden Currie from New Zealand was fifth, while Stoltz hung on for sixth place.
“I caught Conrad and Asa on the bike, and then Chacon and was surprised because he’s really fast on the downhills,” said Ruzafa of the pivotal point where he knew he might have a chance at the win. “I drank a lot on the bike and stayed relatively fresh for the run. I pushed really hard and I’m happy,” he said.
Women’s Race
ITU racer Flora Duffy of Bermuda was the first female out of the swim (she posted the fastest swim split among the women, 19:21), followed closely by Canadian Christine Jeffrey (eventual DNF) and Nicky Samuels. Duffy led out of T1, but was soon overtaken on the bike by Samuels, who by mile 3 became the close-range target for fellow ITU competitor Barbara Riveros of Chile and the two-time defending world champion, Lesley Paterson, aka The Scottish Rocket.
At the top of the first main climb, Samuels, who just started practicing on her mountain bike three weeks ago, still led Duffy, Riveros, Paterson and Slack with no substantial sign of that gap shrinking. Caution on the descents didn’t cost her enough time to relinquish the lead, and she entered the transition area first, followed by Duffy and then Riveros. Paterson started the run with a four-minute deficit.
Samuels made quick time up the hilly first half of the 10K course, and after realizing she had a 2:30 buffer on her nearest chaser, “just cruised it” downhill to the finish line, clocking a winning time of 2:57:48. Paterson chased down Duffy, passing her within a hundred yards of the finish line for second place in 3:00:14 (she posted the fasted run among the women, 43:55). Duffy crossed the line five seconds later. Riveros came in fourth (3:01:43) and American Emma Garrard rounded out the top five, finishing just six seconds later.
“I’m in shock, really,” said Samuels after her win. “I didn’t know how my mountain biking skills—or lack thereof—were going to stand up to the other girls. It’s the end of the year for me so I wanted to do something fun, something different, and this is a great way to end the year.”
2013 Xterra World Championships Maui, Hawaii – Oct. 27, 2013 1.5K swim, 32K bike, 10K run
Men 1. Ruben Ruzafa (ESP) 2:34:34 2. Asa Shaw (GBR) 2:36:02 3. Ben Allen (AUS) 2:36:25 4. Josiah Middaugh (USA) 2:37:45 5. Braden Currie (NZL) 2:39:06 6. Conrad Stoltz (RSA) 2:39:32 7. Nico Lebrun (FRA) 2:40:58 8. Marvin Gruget (FRA) 2:42:04 9. Leonardo Chacon (CRC) 2:42:09 10. Brice Daubord (FRA) 2:43:01
1. Nicky Samuels (NZL) 2:57:49 2. Lesley Paterson (SCO) 3:00:15 3. Flora Duffy (BER) 3:00:20 4. Barbara Riveros (CHI) 3:01:44 5. Emma Garrard (USA) 3:01:50 6. Chantell Widney (CAN) 3:04:37 7. Helena Erbenova (CZE) 3:05:17 8. Shonny Vanlandingham (USA) 3:05:44 9. Jacqui Slack (GBR) 3:05:53 10. Suzie Snyder (USA) 3:08:33
rubèn ruzafa
ITU Triathlon Cross World Championship runner-up (2013)
XTERRA France runner-up (2013)
Winner XTERRA Berga (2013) Winner XTERRA Spain (2013)
XTERRA World Champion (2008)
Triathlon Cross European Champion runner-up (2009)
Team Realy World Champion (2005)
10th XCO World Cup overall classification (2010)
XCO Spanish Champion (2005, 2006 & 2008)
XCM Spanish Champion (2006)
Subcampeón del Mundo ITU Triathlon Cross (2013)
2º XTERRA France (2013)
Vencedor XTERRA Berga (2013)
Vencedor XTERRA Spain (2013)
Campeón del Mundo XTERRA (2008)
Subcampeón de Europa Triatlón Cros (2009)
Campeón del Mundo Team Relay (2005)
10º clasificación final Copa del Mundo XCO (2010)
Campeón de España XCO (2005, 2006 y 2008)
Campeón de España XCM (2006)
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fotos de slowtwitch
http://www.slowtwitch.com/Features/2013_XTERRA_Worlds__4000.html fotos triathlon competitor
http://triathlon.competitor.com/2013/10/photos/photos-2013-xterra-world-championships_88699 .-.-.-.-.-
màs fotos xterra https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152344111346110.1073741876.139989526109&type=3 .--.-.-.-.-.-
Monday, October 28, 2013 ¡DOBLE CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO XTERRA!
Allá en 2008 un Mountain Biker profesional, desconocido para el mundo del triatlón, sorprendía al mundo entero convirtiéndose en Campeón del Mundo XTERRA. Cinco años después, Rubén Ruzafa ha regresado a Maui, ahora como triatleta profesional, para rearfirmar su estatus. ¡Ruzafa es el nuevo Campeón del Mundo XTERRA! El español (09.09.1984), Campeón del Mundo XTERRA más joven de la historia y que nunca ha finalizado una prueba XTERRA fuera del podio, era uno de los principales favoritos al título de este año.
R uzafa salía del agua casi tres minutos detrás de los mejores nadadores, una diferencia de tiempo razonable para recuperar en su disciplina más fuerte, el segmento de Mountain Bike. Completó el circuito de MTB de 32 km en apenas una hora y media y entraba en la T2 con 45” de ventaja sobre los perseguidores. Era cuestión de conservar la ventaja durante los 9,5 km de carrera a pie pero no contento con esto, Ruzafa demostró su impresionante talento y abrió una diferencia aún mayor (1’38”), cruzando la mítica línea de meta hawaiana en primera posición (2h34’34”), exhausto, sonriente y apuntando sus dos brazos al cielo en homenaje a su ex compañero de equipo y amigo Iñaki Lejarreta (fallecido el pasado invierno mientras entrenaba con su bici de carretera) y a su padre (fallecido por cáncer hace dos años).
"Ha salido todo redondo, sin grandes percances y sintiéndome bien en todos los segmentos. En natación me he mantenido en un grupo, perdiendo el tiempo esperado. En bici las sensaciones han sido muy buenas, con fuerzas y sin arriesgar. Cuando he pasado a Allen y Chacón, quedaba la última bajada larga y he conseguido llegar a la transición solo. La carrera a pie ha sido durísima, iba poniéndome objetivos cortos e intentando mantener mi zancada. Sólo me he sabido vencedor en la playa, ¡desde ahí tocaba disfrutar!".
"No puedo describir mis sentimientos al llegar a meta. Llevo soñando con lograr de nuevo la victoria en el Campeonato del Mundo XTERRA desde 2008. En los últimos años, mi rendimiento no ha sido el esperado, unido a momentos malos que te trae la vida. Para mí esta victoria es una gran recompensa pero no es sólo mía, es de todos aquellos que me han ayudado y apoyado en algún momento. Gracias, cada uno me habéis empujado hasta la meta".
Ruzafa ha tenido una temporada sensacional, habiendo vencido XTERRA España, XTERRA Berga y XTERRA Alemania, segundo en XTERRA Francia y tercero en XTERRA EE.UU., aparte de ser el Subcampeón del Mundo ITU Triatlón Cross y Campeón de España de Triatlón Cross, así como tercero en campeonato nacional de media distancia.
http://www.specialized.com/es/es/news/latest-news/17250 .-.-.-.-.
Hoy XTERRA Spain tiene motivos de sobra para celebrar, y no sólo por la gran victoria de Rubén Ruzafa haciéndose con el título de Campeón del Mundo XTERRA 2013, sino que, además, nuestra representación española en los grupos de edad ha demostrado estar entre los mejores del mundo.
Cinco de los siete triatletas que viajaron a Maui han conseguido un Top5, mientras que los otros dos acabaron con un no menos desdeñable Top15. El campeón: Rubén Ruzafa hizo una carrera espléndida. Ha confirmado, una vez más, que es uno de los mejores triatletas del mundo. Salió del agua con una desventaja de 2:31 sobre el grupo de cabeza, distancia que redujo nada más subir a la bici y pasando a liderar la prueba hasta el final de la misma dejando atrás a favoritos en el segmento de bici como Leonardo Chacón o Conrad Stoltz , o a Richard Murray y Josiah Middaugh en la carrera a pie.
El tiempo final de Rubén fue de 2:34:36, con 1:28 de ventaja sobre Asa Shaw que hizo 2º y el australiano Ben Allen que completó el podio.
Grupos de edad: Albert Soley demostró estar en plena forma y listo para dar el paso a categoría PRO en 2014, habiendo ganado en su grupo de edad (25-29) con un tiempo de 2:53:28 a sólo 19 min del tiempo de Ruzafa. Con este crono quedó por delante de pro’s de la talla de Jim Thijs (con una ventaja de 30 min) entre otros. Carlos Ruiz y Manolo Salinas también consiguieron un top5 en sus respectivos grupos de edad haciendo un 3º y 4º respectivamente. El veterano Fernando Cantos (40-44) demostró que la edad no es un problema para él, finalizando en 7º posición por delante de unos 70 participantes más en su grupo de edad.
La única representante española en féminas Ana Revilla luchó con el resto de mujeres para acabar en una merecida 8º posición en el grupo de edad de 30-35. Brais Misa y Carlos Pomar tampoco defraudaron en sus respectivos grupos de edad finalizando ambos en el Top15, un gran resultado teniendo en cuenta que los mejores triatletas del mundo se dan cita en Maui para hacerse con la victoria.
Resultados de los triatletas españoles: Rubén Ruzafa Cueto (PRO) Ganador Albert Soley Castells (25-29) Ganador Carlos Ruiz Villalba (20-24) 3º Manolo Salinas Puertas (35-39) 4º Fernando Cantos Milán (40-44) 7º Ana Revilla Boned (30-34) 8º Brais Misa García (25-29) 12º Carlos Pomar Roy (35-39) 14º
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