orbea alma
Nuestra filosofía sobre el diseño y la fabricación de bicicletas nos lleva a poner en el mercado soluciones óptimas y con una amplia durabilidad en el tiempo. Por esta razón nos decantamos por la tecnología Monocasco. El proceso de fabricación consta de una sola pieza: el triangulo delantero y dos sobre los triangulos traseros, con lo que se obtienen las mejores prestaciones en cuestiones de ligereza, rigidez y confort sobre el cuadro de carbono.
Alma ofrece dos modelos de cuadro:
Orbea Monocoque Race (OMR) y Orbea Monocoque Performance (OMP) diferenciados por las características del carbono empleadas. Sobre una misma rigidez, Orbea aligera el cuadro OMR dirigido a la alta competición a los usuarios que buscan la ligereza extrema. Para garantizar que el cuadro cumple con las condiciones exigidas en Orbea lo sometemos a una treintena de ensayos sobre las condiciones mas críticas. De esta forma garantizamos las cualidades del cuadro y con ello ofrecemos garantía de por vida.
El 4x4 es la tracción total.
La mejor fiabilidad. Obtener el mejor resultado sea cual sea el terreno. Eso es Alma y esa es la tecnología que la caracteriza. Mirando el cuadro Alma verás que tanto el triángulo delantero como el trasero tienen cuatro vértices en lugar de los tradicionales y lógicos tres.Rompemos la tradición y la lógica para mejorar el rendimiento y lo argumentamos con datos:
Mejora de la rigidez: Hemos mejorado en un 15% la rigidez lateral del Alma. La menor torsión lateral se convierte en un mayor aprovechamiento de la potencia en la pedalada. Mejora del confort: Los nuevos vértices delanteros y traseros permiten que el
tubo diagonal se fusione con el tubo sillín en una zona más baja y nos proporcione una excepcional absorción de impactos incluso en las salidas más duras. De este modo, logramos mejorar el confort sobre la bicicleta en un 211%
Big Wheels Concept
Hemos rediseñado la geometría de Alma para lograr una mejor adaptación a las diferentes tallas, elevamos la altura del eje pedalier y reducido la altura de la dirección. De este modo, mejoramos la posición de ataque.Nos hemos basado en el concepto Stack and Reach para la nueva Alma.
Se trata de medidas longitudinales desde el sillín al manillar y desde la dirección al eje de la rueda delantera respectivamente. Tomando en cuenta estos datos, pasamos de 7 tallas del Alma 26 y 29 anterior a 5 tallas (2 con ruedas de 27,5 y 3 con 29" con las que abarcamos todo el espectro de riders de XC.
La nueva Alma dispone de una geometría que crece de manera lineal y, en este concepto, los tallajes pequeños disponen de ruedas de 27,5 y de 29" los siguientes. Defendemos que el tamaño importa y cuanto más grande, mejor. Es por ello que nos acercamos a los tallajes en función de tu altura. Dependiendo de la estatura tenemos para ti una bicicleta idónea bien con ruedas de 27,5 o 29"
DCR, Direct Cable Routing
El Direct Cable Routing es un exclusivo sistema guiacables que direcciona de manera extremadamente eficiente y directa el cableado de la bicicleta.
Precision: Debido a la la ausencia de curvas reducen la fricción.
Sellado: Un perfecto sellado evita la entrada de barro y agua y aumenta la
durabilidad del sistema. Nuestro exclusivo sistema de fundas extraligeras reduce en 50 gramos el peso sobre las fundas completas tradicionales. Además, Press Fit, Direct Post Mount, Di2 Ready y Tapered Headtube...
Luna Pro Team
Luna Chix Pro Team es el equipo más antiguo y exitoso de la competición profesional de MTB y XTERRA. Con las Luna Chix han participado en los Juegos Olímpicos, Georgia Gould ganó la medalla de bronce en los Juegos de Londres en 2012.Han ganado campeonatos mundiales de MTB, Catharine Pendrel, en Champéry en 2011,y competiciones XTERRA,hemos vencido tres veces la Copa del Mundo UCI de MTB, y obtenido la victoria cinco veces en los Campeonatos Nacionales Xterra de Estados Unidos y en innumerables ocasiones hemos ganado campeonatos de XC en Estados Unidos, Canadá y la República Checa.
Danny MacAskill vs. San Francisco HD
Élite masculina:
Leonardo Chacon (Costa Rica)
Josiah Middaugh (EE.UU)
Conrad Stoltz (República de Sudáfrica)
Ruben Ruzafa (España)
Yeray Luxem (Bélgica)
Nico Lebrun (Francia)
Asa Shaw (Gran Bretaña)
Richard Murray (República de Sudáfrica)
Dan Hugo (República de Sudáfrica)
Ben Allen (Australia)
Courtney Atkinson (Australia)
Brent McMahon (Canadá)
Richard Stannard (Gran Bretaña)
Branden Rakita (EE.UU)
Olivier Marceau (Francia)
La carrera está en marcha!
Las condiciones para la natación en el Océano Pacifico y la temperatura jugarán hasta el final de la carrera.
Es un lugar formidable, preparado y listo para la batalla!
Chacon, Middaugh, Ruzafa y Stoltz terminaron en la final de EE.UU con solo una diferencia de un par de minutos. Podrían estar aún más cerca en Maui.
1. Leonardo Chacon, 29, (Costa Rica)
Chacon was a 2012 Olympian who was taken out of the London race in a crash with Simon Whitfield. He outsprinted Victor Del Corral to take 4th at XTERRA Maui last year. This year proved he is one of the favorites to win at Maui after a win at the hotly contested high altitude XTERRA USA Championship in Ogden, Utah - aided by training at similar altitudes in the mountains of his home country of Costa Rica.
2. Richard Murray, 24, (RSA)
You could call him this year's Javier Gomez - an ITU star whose swim and pavement bike and run strengths could make up for his lack of off road experience. While Murray may not have the 3-time ITU World Champion's pedigree, he definitely can ride the trails as proven by his win at XTERRA South Africa with a late run pass of Conrad Stoltz this year. Finished 5th in the prestigious 2013 ITU World Triathlon Series points standings. Won WTS Hamburg this year and was 17th at the London Olympics.
3. Josiah Middaugh, 35, (USA)
This 12-year XTERRA veteran from Eagle and Vail, Colorado, who finished a close second to Javier Gomez last year in Maui despite equipment falling off on the bike, has been hot most of the year, taking wins at XTERRA West, Southeast and Mountain championship races, was 2nd at the XTERRA USA Championship and won the XTERRA USA Pro Series for the first time. Middaugh has been on a gradual climb to the top of the XTERRA mountain with a 4th at Maui in 2011.
4. Conrad Stoltz, 40, (RSA)
Two time Olympian is a 4-time XTERRA World champion (2001,2002, 2007 and 2010) a 10-time XTERRA USA Pro Series Champ, a 3-time ITU Cross Triathlon World champion (2011,2012, 2013) and is all-time XTERRA championship race winner with 48 victories. Stoltz has had an up-and down 2013 season with a win at XTERRA Buffelspoort, a DQ for running off course at XTERRA South Africa, 2nd at XTERRA West, 'led XTERRA Southeast until pulled out with injury, won XTERRA Brazil, XTERRA Italy and was 4th at the XTERRA USA Championship. Recent Maui finishes: 1st 2010, DNF 2011, 3rd 2012. Strong bike - can muscle up the uphills and bomb the downhills with his bravery and large body mass -- which he needs to bank a lead against the superior runners.
5. Ruben Ruzafa, 29, (ESP)
This Spaniard shocked XTERRA by winning the Maui World Championship in 2008 on his first try. He then switched to World Cup mountain biking for several years before returning to XTERRA in 2013, where he won XTERRA Spain, XTERRA Berga, and XTERRA Germany, took 2nd at XTERRA France and was 3rd at the XTERRA USA Championship. After his Maui win in 2008, he crashed two days before his title defense in 2009 and did not start.
6, Dan Hugo, 28, (RSA)
This 8-year XTERRA pro was on pace for a good season early in 2012 until suffering a season-ending injury that kept him out of a highly targeted return to Maui after a 2nd place at the 2011 XTERRA World Championship in Maui, 33 seconds back of winner Michael Weiss despite a crash on the bike. This year Hugo started the year with a string of XTERRA runner-up finishes at Buffelspoort, Philippines, Saipan, Guam, Malaysia and the Southeast US Champs before a breakthrough win at XTERRA East. Since then Hugo was 3rd at XTERRA Brazil, 7th at Mountain champs, 2nd at Mexico, won XTERRA Japan and took 5th at the USA Championship.
7. Ben Allen, 28, (AUS)
Former surf lifesaving star in Australia, Allen is a third-year XTERRA pro who has the most XTERRA World Tour wins this year -- he swept the XTERRA Asia-Pacific triple crown at Philippines, Saipan and Guam in March, won XTERRA New Zealand for the second straight year and took top honors at XTERRA Greece and XTERRA England. He also took seconds at XTERRA Great Ocean Road in Australia (to Courtney Atkinson) and XTERRA Spain. Is eager to prove himself at Maui after a 36th in 2011 and 35th (due to a broken chain) last year.
8. Courtney Atkinson, 34, (AUS)
Long time ITU star proved himself as an XTERRA contender with a win at Great Ocean Road XTERRA in Australia this year. Atkinson was top Australian at the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, won 7 ITU World Cups and was on the podium 15 times in top ITU racing. He also won the famed Noosa Triathlon 3 straight years (2008-2010). Atkinson was unbeaten at the 70.3 distance this year. Maui will be his second XTERRA attempt.
9. Nico Lebrun, 40, (FRA)
This accomplished Frenchman has vowed he will be retiring after this year and has had a long, well-rewarded career. Lebrun he has been on the podium 13 times in world championships in many different sports - XTERRA, duathlon, XTERRA Winter and Winter Triathlon. The crown jewel in his career was a win at the 2005 XTERRA World Championship, more than 3 minutes ahead of 3-time Maui champion Eneko Llanos of Spain. Lebrun's other Maui bests include runner-up finishes 2nd in 2003 and 2009, 3rd in 2002, 5th in 2010, 6th in 2004, 7th in 2007, and 8th in 2006. This year he was 5th in XTERRA Spain, 4th at XTERRA Greece, 1st at XTERRA France, 2nd at XTERRA Italy and 5th at XTERRA England. He was 8th at XTERRA USA Championship, a race he won in 2011.
10. Olivier Marceau, 40, (SUI)
This three-time Olympian and 2000 ITU Olympic distance World Champion has had a brilliant, almost-a-World-Champion career at XTERRA Maui. He has six top 5 finishes including 3 runner-ups in 10 tries. In 2004, he was the leader until passed 1 mile out of transition, in 2006 he was winning until the last mile when passed by 2004 Olympic champion Hamish Carter and lost by 19 seconds, and in 2007 he ran out of T2 with Conrad Stoltz until the first big climb when the Caveman took control. Other Maui results include 10th last year,
This is XTERRA from XTERRA TV on Vimeo.
get live updates starting at 9am Hawaii time (12 noon PST, 3pm EST, 9pm in Europe, 6am in Sydney, Australia, 8am in New Zealand, 4pm in Brazil).
españoles en terra maui
Rubén Ruzafa Cueto (PRO)
Carlos Ruiz Villalba (20-24)
Albert Soley Castells (25-29)
Misa Brais García (25-29)
Ana Revilla Boned (30-34)
Carlos Pomar Roy (35-39)
Manolo Salinas Puertas (35-39)
Fernando Cantos Milán (40-44)
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