Por fin ha llegado el momento más esperado por todos: el balón echa a rodar, Football Cracks está de vuelta.
Tras unos meses de espera, la búsqueda de los cracks del futuro del fútbol retoma su objetivo con más fuerza que nunca.
La pasión, el esfuerzo, el sacrificio, la lucha por ser un número uno... todo ello se conjuga para dar como resultado un espectáculo impresionante que el año pasado congregó a más de 116 millones de espectadores frente a sus televisores. Zidane y Francescoli se ponen de nuevo las botas para encontrar a las futuras leyendas del fútbol.
Por fin ha llegado el momento. Football Cracks ha vuelto para hacerte vibrar con fútbol en estado puro. Prepárate para disfrutar como nunca lo has hecho.
Y tú, ¿eres el próximo Crack?
Clip Dakar opening from the press conference
de Dakar - The Ultimate Rally Race (vídeos)
OFFICIAL: From January 1st to January 15th, 2012
The Dakar ultimate adventure will start from Mar del Plata, in Argentina, to Lima, the capital of Peru, via Chile and the dunes of the Atacama Desert.
Watch the Dakar clip opening from the press conference
The Invisible Camera: Your Mind Will Be Blown
Monday, March 21, 2011 Posted in Contributed Videos, Technical
Chris Marquardt has developed a really mind blowing new camera called The Invisible Camera. Using ground breaking technology developed by the Max-Planck Institute in Germany, Chris has designed a camera that can properly expose an image even when the film is exposed to ambient light. The special film uses a technique called “directional desensitization” which prevents the emulsion from capturing light; the only light registered is from the very small projection created by the tiny pin hole. What’s even more mind blowing is this technique might allow for images to be captured at ISO 1/500th or 15 stops lower than ISO 100! Chris estimates that this increase in resolution would be equivalent to about 3,000 5D Mark II cameras which I can’t even imagine. Hopefully some of our more technical readers can explain this to me since I have a feeling it’s going on sale a week from this Friday and The Invisible Camera has offered a demo model to Fstoppers.
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