jueves, marzo 28, 2013

FireFly. El Triciclo del siglo XXI / Diseño de camiones para ver a los ciclistas

FireFly. El Triciclo del siglo XXI

El clima a partir de ahora no será un impedimento para andar en bicicleta, independientemente de la estación o mes del año, ya que desde Geospace Studio nos llega este vehículo de tracción humana habilitado para cualquier tipo de clima.

Bautizado como FireFly, este vehículo es un triciclo con una estructura que protege al conductor de la humedad, el frío, gracias a su chasis protector, y también de la noche gracias a sus luces.
Así los ciclistas podrán montar en bici todo el año sin importar la estación del año, el tiempo y también aumentando su seguridad.
FireFly es un transporte ecológico, mas cómodo y seguro, que nos muestra hacia donde debe tender el diseño de vehículos más ecológicos.



Proposed truck redesign could reduce cyclist fatalities
Eileen MarableSunday, March 24, 2013 - 11:01am

Credit: via LCC.org
In many cities there's an ongoing challenge: how to make sure that trucks and other large vehicles safely share the road with cyclists. The London Cycling Campaign is taking up the charge by proposing several design changes that would help truck drivers get a better view of the road, along with several features that would better protect cyclists in the event of a collision.

The UK based project is called the "Safer Urban Truck," and it's specifically targeted towards larger construction vehicles. The proposed designs center around four core changes:

High visibility glass panels: The addition of a larger windshield and expanded driver and passenger side windows gives the driver a better view of everything around the front of the vehicle.

Lowered driving position: When combined with the expanded windows, a lower seat would put the driver in a better position to see what's happening at street level and around the front of the truck - areas previously blind to the driver.

Lowered bumper clearance and sideboards: By extending side panels outward and lowering bumpers that means should a truck come in contact with a cyclist they are likely to be pushed outward and away from being dragged underside and caught in the wheels. It's similar in principle to the low hanging crash bars added to the back of trucks in the U.S. which reduces the chances of cars sliding underneath a truck in the event of a rear-end collision.

Early warning cameras: By placing cameras in key locations around the body of the truck the driver can get a full picture of the activity around their vehicle.

While the goal of the campaign is to prevent the growing number of cyclist deaths in the UK, one can easily see if implemented, the changes could potentially reduce accidents overall. The more the truck driver can see, the more they can avoid.

The campaign has released several concept drawings, which we've got for you in the gallery below.

LCC.org, via PSFK


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