Este impresionante video fue subido a las redes sociales el pasado 21 de Julio, filmado en Acapulco el sábado 5 de Julio; titulado “Ola Asesina”, muestra la asombrosa fuerza del mar atrapando a 6 turistas a la orilla de la playa.
Posted by El Sol de Nayarit on Martes, 29 de julio de 2014
el sábado 4 de julio.
En el embalse del pueblo de Navacerrada, primero 1.000m de natación y acto seguido 10km de carrera en subida con un desnivel positivo de 1.000m, una escalada sin precedentes a Bola del Mundo. Los participantes regresarán al punto de inicio tras otros 10km de descenso bello, divertido y asequible (los corredores muy técnicos volarán y los menos diestros no pasarán miedo).
Del 16 de mayo al 26 de junio la cuota es de 35€ (32€ socios del Club GR10). Hacerse socio del Club GR10 es gratuito, sólo tienes que entrar en
problemas en sendas de elche y santa pola
Huimos del calor y nos vamos a hacer MTB nada más y nada menos que a Narvik, cerca del Círculo Polar Ártico. Probamos y analizamos el nuevo Shimano XT y os contamos nuestra experiencia con la Kona Procesess 111 y la Head X-Rubi III. Os mostramos todas las novedades de Sea Otter y os adelantamos nuestras primeras sensaciones con una 27.5'+. Enrique nos cuenta su experiencia en la primera prueba de Big Ride y Muriel su aventura en Roc Laissagais
The third 2015 Qualifier round of the Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS) has just begun in Spain. 23 teams are now racing over a 500km course through the Coastal region of Galicia in the North West of the country.
Teams commenced the race this morning with short orienteering section around the village hosting the start, then on to their mountain bikes. They are now racing towards the coast for a long kayak interspersed with running on a number of islands on route.
Team Haglofs Silva of Sweden have been leading the field since the first leg and have been setting an incredibly fast pace. The strain can be clearly seen on the faces of the chase teams. Second currently is New Zealand team Seagate. Raid Gallaecia
Watch all the action live at
At the end of the second day of Raid Gallaecia only 3 teams remain on the full course, Seagate, Haglofs Silva and Adventure Addicts. -
And Then There Were Three ...
Author : Rob Howard
At the end of the second day of Raid Gallaecia only 3 teams remain on the full course, Seagate, Haglofs Silva and Adventure Addicts.
During the day most of the teams have realised the full course is beyond them and taken a variety of different routes, dropping checkpoints and accepting the time penalty on their short course ranking. The end of the day also saw the implementation of the first race cut-offs and those teams who missed them were put onto the official short course routes.
There was some drama at the cut-off at the canyon stage and Team Arctic Circle from Finland came so very close to being the 4th full course team – only missing the 18.30 cut-off by a heartbreaking 10 minutes.
They had raced hard all day, gaining several places and moving into 4th, but in the end the odds were stacked against them. The paddle on the Xallas river had proved harder and longer than anyone expected or planned for – with the leading teams taking 4 hours. To make it even tougher for the determined Finns both their boats capsized in the rapids (which the route book simply described as ‘rough water’) and they had to paddle into a strong headwind all the way.
Kati Vehmas said, “It took far longer than we expected and when we capsized we lost our paddle bag and had to swim a long way to get the rucksacks.” Earlier Monica Aguilera of Team Adventure Addicts has said; “It was much harder and more technical than we expected and will be hard for those teams trying to make the cut-off.”
Despite their disappointment the Finnish team remained purposeful and didn’t let their racing pace drop. They paddled hard into the transition and were focused and quick in transition before starting the trek along the roads down to the next transition, which is on the coast at the foot of the canyon.
The canyon cuts down below the flanks of Mount Pindos, which would be the next stage and Robert Lindberg of Haglofs Silva said, “It was quite technical, slippery and very cold. We had to do a lot of swimming, but the finish was special.”
The finish of the canyon was an abseil down the Ezaro waterfall, which is the only one in Spain to fall directly into the sea. It is a beautiful and powerful cascade and the teams descended right down the middle before a final slide in the sea. It is just a pity only 3 teams got to make the descent.
Teams who missed the earlier cut-off at the start of the reservoir and river paddle carried on riding around the checkpoint at Ezaro, the resort town below the falls, and this transition is the point where teams will gather together again tonight to continue racing. It is in a communal hall and library overlooking the beach and there is also a picture window view of the intimidating Mount Pindos, which is the next stage.
Team arriving before 01.00am (the next cut-off) will climb up its rocky flanks looking for 8 checkpoints and the course officials say it will be difficult. The mountain has virtually no soil or vegetation, it is all rock, sculpted and smoothed by the Atlantic gales into strangely shaped formations. Navigation will be hard, especially in the night, and towards evening clouds were gathering as well.
When teams get back from Mount Pindos they will return to the transition in Ezaro and take their mandatory 3 hours sleep (they can have more if they want) before riding on to Fisterra for the long coasteering stage on the ‘Lighthouses Path’. If the strong evening wind keeps up it will make the trek more tiring for those teams out on the coast tonight.
[Two teams are now unranked. Issy Aventure are continuing as a team of 3 on their own ‘tourist route’ and Trochando Colombia spent 4 hours looking for a CP on the first night and opted to continue unranked.]
150 quilómetros de camiñada, 290 en bicicleta de montaña, 60 en kaiak e 3 de barranquismo. Niso están os 90 participantes do Raid Gallaecia. Unha proba de resistencia física e mental extrema en que participan os mellores do mundo.
Position Participant
1 10 Haglöfs Silva
2 17 Seagate
3 1 Adventure Addicts Team
4 19 Galiorient-Sural-Gallaecia
5 8 Fenix Multisport - Adidas
Competición de lo más emocionante. Haglofs Raid Team y Seagate juntos en la orientación a pie de Camariñas. Raid Gallaecia #raidgallaecia
Team Hagloffs Silva have crossed the line victorious at the Raid Gallaecia in Spain, winning their spot at the AR World Championship in Brazil this year. The Swedish team had an extremely tight race with the New Zealanders from team Seagate, separated by less than 10 minutes for much of the course. It was the penultimate stage of mountain biking where they broke free of Seagate to arrive first in Santiago. More information on the live website at https://tracktherace.com/en/raid-gallaecia-2015/live
1 10 Haglöfs Silva
2 17 Seagate
3 1 Adventure Addicts Team
4 8 Fenix Multisport - Adidas
5 22 Universidad Europea
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