For the second part of my test, I headed to the dam structure. The backside of Hansen Dam is a giant broken granite boulder field. It is a great place to build strength and balance while running. I...
For the second part of my test, I headed to the dam structure. The backside of Hansen Dam is a giant broken granite boulder field. It is a great place to build strength and balance while running. I tested the Tarahumara huarache sandals on this terrain and they passed. No room for mistakes here. No forgiveness. But, great for learning how to stay focused and balanced.
Many people run on their heels with their leg extended in front of them at the point of impact. This is effectively breaking their momentum and working against gravity, injuring their body with every step and using more internal energy than necessary.
I created this video to help illustrate the natural method of running that has been scientifically proven as THE way to run and is often referred to as the Pose method as researched by Dr. Nicolas Romanov (http://www.posetech.com ). It's a method proven to reduce knee impact by 50%, used by Olympic National teams (including UK, USA and Russia) and endorsed by natural fitness experts such as Wild Fitness (http://www.wildfitness.com ). Leverage gravity to propel your body forward faster and more efficiently over any distance from 100m sprints to marathons!
POSE running is not 'heel to toe', not 'midfoot', nor flat foot' running. Many people think they are POSE running by running on the balls of their feet but still bend at the hip, to avoid injuries and to help yourself run faster, stronger, longer I recommend professional POSE coaching.
Through coaching you will gain a perception of body weight that will increase flexibility and strength as well as injury free running. In this way you are guaranteed to reduce injuries, and become more functionally fit in a way that transfers to any sport from Snowboarding to Golf.
To run in the most efficient/functional way possible I recommend combining the POSE method of running together with the 'SPRINT' model of Vibram FiveFingers (a stepping stone towards barefooting). I have tried and tested over the last two years ALL Vibram FiveFingers models including the Flow and KSO. In my opinion the 'Classic' model digs into your Achilles tendon too much for running.
**** £5 discount coupon code 'akram552' may be used during the payment procedure at http://www.fivefingers.co.uk/ (official UK fivefingers distributor) - I'm happy to help answer questions related to five fingers, contact details below ****
TIME Magazine named Vibram FiveFingers one of the Best Inventions of 2007 and they were recently featured in Vogue Magazine as a must have (Nov 2008 issue).
I'd love to think that together we could reduce injuries and help people have more fun running. Please help spread this message by sharing with friends/family, rating it on you tube and adding a comment. As we head into an economic recession we can help our society by looking after ourselves in a way that will avoid injuries in youth and old age thereby taking a strain off our national health system and in turn reducing the amount of tax each of us needs to pay.
+44 (0) 7590 578808 MOBILE
Dr. Naeem Akram, Eng.D. - Inspired by Movement
"I base my coaching on natural movement that has evolved in time with our bodies and which stands up to scientific analysis."
can you run on ice ?
Running on ice clearly demonstrates POSE running. Landing has to be perfect with each foots landing. We cannot stress enough the importance of landing on the BOF (balls of the feet) to run properly. When you land on time, you pull on time, and the cycle repeats. One improper landing can dwindle your technique and lead to common injuries like shin splints.
Thus we would like to show Running on Ice Part II with the focus of slower playback to show the landing on the BOF under the GCM. If you have any questions/comments please post them!
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