The newest addition to the IRONMAN circuit will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2014.

La monja ironman
Suma 325 triatlones y ha terminado 46 Ironman
Esta monja tiene 82 años. Se llama Madonna Buder.
En 2010 en el Ironman de Canadá se tuvo que retirar tras la natación y en 2011 se quedó fuera por dos minutos pese al ánimo de miles de espectadores, muchos de los cuales acabaron llorando tras ver cómo la hermana se quedaba a las puertas del récord.
En 2012 llegaba en muy buena forma. Algo que demostró la triatleta octogenaria desde el principio. En el segmento de natación salió por delante de 350 participantes con un tiempo de 1:36.09.
En 1985, con 55 años, completó su primer Ironman. Siguió entrenando duro y en 2005 fue con 75 años la mujer más mayor en acabar en el Ironman de Hawai, con 16 horas justas. Esta experiencia la repitió en 2006 y volvió a batir el record de longevidad. Esta vez se salvó del corte por muy poco, ya que marcó 16:59.03, a sólo 57 segundos de no lograrlo.
Toda la noticia se encuentra aquí.
Inspiration of the Day: the Iron Nun
Posted on May 18, 2012 by trifitmom
Today my inspiration comes from another unlikely source: an 80-year-old nun, Sister Madonna Buder.
Sister Madonna is a nun at the Sisters for Christian Community in Spokane, Washington.
She began running at 48, competed in her first Ironman when she was 55, and in more than 300 triathlons since then.
On July 24th, Sister Madonna will celebrate her 80th birthday, and just a month later, she will complete in Ironman Canada.
An Ironman competition consists of swimming 2.4 miles, riding the bike for 112 miles, and running a 26.2 mile marathon – all within 17 hours.
To date, Sister Madonna has cometed in more than 40 Ironman-length triathlons.
Sister Madonna was inspired by Father John Topel, a Jesuit priest, who spike with her in 1978 of how running harmonizes mind, body and soul.
She began with running (including completion of 17 marathons in 1 year). She then transitioned to triathlons.
This year alone she’s already done five triathlons.
Sister Madonna just keeps on going, despite numerous injuries, including multiple broken bones.
When asked what keeps her going, the Iron Nun responded with: “When you do harmonize mind, body and soul out there running, it made me realize that no matter what problems I was burying, all those are man-made, and there’s so much more out here in nature, and God’s creation, that it made everything that I was anxious about or concerned about seem minimal. It’s just a freeing experience, very uplifting.”
She also has advice for those who, no matter what age, want to be more active but might not know how to start. “First, you have to have the desire. Then, once you have the desire, you can become a little bit more daring, and with daring you get determination. And with determination comes the dedication, and then the actual doing. Those are the five Ds.”
You can watch a newscast about the iron nun here: The Iron Nun.
Sister Madonna, the Iron Nun, is my inspiration. Who inspires you?
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