domingo, enero 12, 2014

juan de pedalear a esquiar, faltan 155km ... dan dice que acabarà el sàbado...

dìa 40 : hoy es Juan quien nos cuenta cómo se encuentra a poco más de 155 Km del Polo Sur: "Hola a todos, las cosas aquí están poniéndose complicadas. Son ya 40 días de expedición, y la Antártida presenta su cara más dura. Estoy en el peor de los escenarios posibles: climatología adversa, nieve muy blanda no transformada, y provisiones al límite. En estas condiciones, necesito alargar mucho las jornadas (ayer 13 horas) y con las dificultades que supone pedalear sobre este terreno, he decidido esquiar la mayor parte del tiempo en estos últimos kilómetros. Es mi única garantía de progresar en los promedios de distancia necesarios para no tener que pedir el rescate a la base logística. Es importante mantener la cabeza fría en estos momentos, y dar prioridad a lo realmente importante. Decidí hacer las cosas de una manera, probablemente la mas difícil de todas, y ese compromiso hace que tenga que acabar como empecé: sólo, sin apoyo y sin asistencia. Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo y vuestros mensajes. Vamos a conseguirlo entre todos".

Jan 10 -- The Mind Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Weak
South 88 degrees 08.088 West 82 degrees 06.888 Elevation 8,570 ft. 16 nautical miles

I wanted to get some extra miles in today to make up for the past two days, but the sleds felt heavy and it felt like I was climbing all day even though I wasn't. My legs were tired and I was just slow. I spent a little time rearranging the load in the sleds and trying to figure what was wrong. Then I realized that yesterday was a tail wind and today was a headwind. 121 miles to go. I think I can make it by next Saturday.

Jan 11 -- Eureka--I Bonked!!
South 88 degrees 35.132 West 083 degrees 13.976 8,866 ft.

Mike Boyd says that the hill from Elberta to Eureka takes one hour no matter how hard you push. One time, I tried to climb the hill as fast as I could. I figured I could recover while I waited for him and Bob to climb the hill. I, of course, was wrong and I had a really hard time finishing the ride.

Earlier this week, I decided to spend what should have been my sleeping hours to go get my third and final cache. I then put in a full day's ride. The next day I struggled. Then came the white-out day, so I gave up another night's sleep to try to make up for the bad days, which didn't work. This made it so that I had nothing left. I could barely pedal the bike today.

Last night, when I called in to ALE, I was reminded of my post about enjoying where you are. I had gotten so focused on finishing quickly so I could go home to my family that I was just pushing too hard. I decided to go back to just enjoying the ride. Today, I took a lot of breaks to eat freeze dried foods and drink hot chocolate (provided by Thank You!) Pedaling at a bonked effort, I was still able to keep moving and got in a respectable number of miles. I committed myself to just enjoying the final days of what will be the first bike expedition to the south pole. If it takes a little longer, that is fine.

I've heard that Juan is out of food, so I'm asking that everyone keep him in their prayers.

Thanks for following me as I bike to the south pole.

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