domingo, enero 05, 2014

1 dìa para reyes Juan y dan siguen pedaleando, faltan 10-15 dìas para llegar el polo

Objetivo Río - Programa 29 Javi Gòmez


Dìa 31: Juan acabó ayer con 28Km más a la espalda. A estos ritmos, podría alcanzar el Polo Sur en 10 o 12 días. Está aproximadamente en los 2.000 metros de altitud, lo que supone un sobre esfuerzo por la densidad del oxígeno y por un frío cada vez más intenso, que empieza a sentir sensiblemente en sus manos y pies. Le obliga a estar muy muy concentrado para no cometer errores. Hoy, mientras hablábamos, revisaba botas y guantes para cuidar sus dedos de posibles congelaciones.

Dìa 32: Juan disfrutó ayer de una etapa "divertida". Los campos de sastruguis le exigen un pedaleo muy técnico, que le hicieron pasar un buen rato. Ayer 29'700 Km más. Hoy le espera un día de intensa niebla y Whiteout, lo que supone avanzar más lento, sobre todo ante estas dunas de nieve, que en estas condiciones no puedes anticipar. De momento, el frío está bajo control.

la emisora de radio Rac1 tuvo el privilegio de poder hablar con Juan. La verdad es que esto no sería posible sin la colaboración de los amigos de Erzia España, que han cedido sus equipos para que Juan pueda estar comunicado las 24 horas del día.


Jan 3, 2014 -- Enjoy Where You Are
South 86 degrees 31.338 West 081 degrees 40.189 13 nautical miles Elevation 6,066 ft (220 miles to go)

The snow is hard, the slope isn't too steep, and I got started on time. It looked like it would be a good day. Then my repair job failed and I had to take a few hours to redo it. I should be getting a new wheel soon. With a short day, I got a respectable number of miles. Since I didn't work too hard today, I'm going to make up the lost hours tomorrow.

I'm so ready to be done with this expedition. Time only goes forward, so I am taking the time to enjoy the trip. We only get to live each day once, so enjoy where you are.

Overall, though, things are good. I was planning on being at 86.5 by the end of Saturday, but I'm there now, so I'm already ahead of schedule. I haven't been working as hard as I did those first couple of weeks. I think it is time to pick up the pace. I'll work hard tomorrow and then take my rest day on Sunday. If conditions continue like they are, it should work.

Remember to go out and be active.

January 2, 2014 -- This Used To Be A Funhouse
South 86 degrees 18.765 West 081 degrees 37.745 19 nautical miles 232 to go) Elevation 5,772 ft.

24 hrs of low wind and no clouds has allowed the sun to hit the snow from a full 360 degrees, which makes for great snow to bike on. The climbing continued today. John would not like this. It's like that road coming back from Elberta that seems to go on forever with a constant climb. However, in this case, this does go on forever, or at least for hundreds of miles.

As I go up in elevation, the air gets colder and thinner. They say that in Antarctica, the physiological effects of the altitude are like being 2,000 feet higher. So far, however, the altitude has not been a problem for me.

I think I'm gaining ground on the other expeditions. Juan's ski tracks ahead of me are now only half a day old. It seems I've been gaining 3 or 4 miles a day on him. However, on Sunday I will take a rest day which will give him the chance to get another day ahead.

I have started a routine of taking a break every mile, which turns out to be about how long it takes me to listen to all the different versions of P!nk's Funhouse. These breaks allow me to get a drink and return the circulation to my hands and feet. I pull a lot on the handlebars, which means that I probably need to lower the stem. But I'm not going to risk loosening and tightening those bolts in this cold.

Thanks to everyone for your support and for following me on the blog.

Remember to go out and be active!

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