domingo, febrero 28, 2016

hermida 6º en chipre , gana giger






min 2:13 giro a la izquierda y arrolla ciclista ..-.-.-.

hermida marco fontana gana la 4ª etapa en chipre

Ganò Fabian Giger , 2º Maxime Marotte y 3º Marco Aurelio Fontana

Hermida es 6º en la Cyprus Sunshine Cup El corredor del Multivan-Merida se ha estrenado en la temporada 2016 en la Cyprus Sunshine Cup. Al igual que en años anteriores, esta competición es una de las más famosas a las que acude la mayor parte de los mejores corredores mundiales a principios de año. La competición empezó con un prólogo muy corto y explosivo que no tuvo el resultado que José esperaba: "era un test de apenas 10 minutos, muy explosivo, con una subida de unos 6 minutos al 20% y bajada a meta. A pesar de que hemos trabajado la explosividad este año, no pude ser más que el 38, aunque con tiempos muy cercanos. No era un dato significativo". Las otras 3 etapas tenían un formato muy similar al de XCO, con tiempos que iban de 1:40 a 2:00 horas. Estos tests han sido mucho mucho más positivos, estando siempre en el grupo delantero. Como él mismo explica "en la segunda y tercera etapa he llegado con el grupo que ha disputado la victoria. En la última jornada, una enganchada en el pelotón en el start loop me ha dejado un poco cortado pero he podido ir remontando. Este invierno hemos cambiado ciertos detalles del entrenamiento, con menos sesiones de larga distancia y más horas de gimnasio y parece que mis salidas han mejorado. Un 6º puesto aquí es para estar contento". Al final, 6º de la general en una carrera con corredores del nivel de Giger, Fontana, Kulhavy, Marotte, Sarrou, van Houts, Milatz... todos ellos corredores que estarán luchando por estar en las Olimpiadas, uno de los dos objetivos de José para este 2016, junto con los Campeonatos del Mundo. Hermida is 6th in the Cyprus Sunshine Cup The Multivan-Merida rider has started the 2016 season at the Cyprus Sunshine Cup. As in previous years, this competition is one of the most famous in the calendar and that gathers most of the world's best riders early in the year . The competition started with a very short and explosive prologue with not the best result that José was expecting. "It was a test of just 10 minutes, very explosive, with a climb of about 6 minutes at 20% and a descend that took you down to the finish line. Although we have worked on those first minutes of effort this year, I could not be more than 38th in the day, but with very close times. It was not a significant figure". The other 3 stages were very similar to a XCO format, with times ranging from 1:40 to 2:00 hours. These tests have been much more positive, with José always being in the front group. As he explains, "in the second and third stages I have been in the group that fought for the victory. On the last day, a small crash in the peloton at the start loop has made me lose some positions, but I could make my way and get back to the front. This winter we have changed certain details in the training sessions with fewer long distance workouts and more time spent in the gym and seems to have improved my starts. A 6th place here is a result to be happy". In the end, 6th overall in a race with the presence of Giger, Fontana, Kulhavy, Marotte, Sarrou, van Houts, Milatz ... all of them riders who are fighting to be in the Olympics, one of the two goals for José in this 2016, together with the World Championships. "I am happy with the result. The level was very high and I have been where the race was decided. The 2015 was far from what I expected in terms of results and I wanted to start the new season, a very special year for me, as it is an Olympic year and my last season at the highest level ", comments the man from Puigcerdà.

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