Fallece un triatleta en una prueba de media distancia
Collin Campbell, triatleta de 27 años que se estaba preparando el Ironman North Carolina del próximo 22 de octubre, falleció este fin de semana mientras disputaba el Onalaska Half Distance Triathlon, una prueba de media distancia que se celebra cerca de Houston. Según han indicado los organizadores, el triatleta habría desaparecido a mitad del recorrido del segmento de natación, ahogándose. Hay que indicar que Campbell contaba con experiencia tanto en triatlón, destacando precisamente en el agua. Las autoridades recuperaron su cuerpo horas después y lograron sacarlo del lago Livingston, donde se celebraba la prueba, para entregárselo a los médicos forenses que determinarán las posibles razones del fallecimiento.Los amigos y familiares del triatleta han indicado que Colin no tenía problemas médicos reconocidos.
Swimmer, 27, who was in training for an Ironman race drowns after 'disappearing' half way through triathlon event
Athlete has drowned while competing in half distance triathlon in Texas
Collin Campbell was taking on the Onalaska Half Distance race Sunday
The 27-year-old was last seen half-way through a 1.2 mile open water swim
Rescue teams pulled his body after finding him by using sonar searches
PUBLISHED: 12:57 GMT, 12 September 2016 | UPDATED: 15:30 GMT, 12 September 2016
An athlete who was in training for an Ironman race has died while taking part in a triathlon in Texas.
Collin Campbell, 27, was swimming in Lake Livingston, about 80 miles north of Houston, during the Onalaska Half Distance Triathlon on Sunday morning. Investigators say the experienced athlete, who has competed in several similar events in the past, disappeared about half-way through the 1.2 mile open water swim about 8:30am.
Members of the Texas Game Warden dive team recovered Campbell's body hours later at 5pm.
'We used side scan sonar and were able to get pretty good image of the victim and we called the dive team and they utilized their sonar as well,' Game Warden Brandon Thacker told ABC 13 of how they found the 27-year-old.
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