Estamos de enhorabuena nuestro amigo y socio Rafika Sempere Medina ha recuperado su bicicleta y da las gracias a la máxima difusión en las redes sociales y a las autoridades.Felicidades Rafika Sempere Medina.
semàforos en rojo con recaudaciòn en Madrid
A los que piden 1,5 m para los peatones por parte de los ciclistas ,
Un dato:Unos 265 accidentes a peatones registrados , de los cuales, 113 murieron por culpa de los coches en 2015 (Datos DGT).
STEPP I Your Real-Time Running Coach Helps You Run Better
por VST Technology
STEPP is a real-time wearable that speaks to you as you run & pushes you to achieve your goals and ideal running zone.
When it comes to running, many concerns can arise for those aiming to maximize efficiency. Without an accredited expert’s feedback, one can be engaging in improper form resulting in more harm than good. Stepp is the first wearable technology that maps out your entire lower limb motion while you run. With this in ear coach, you get real-time, actionable feedback about your running form and your likelihood of injury. Get world-class, personalized coaching on the go!
Get one set of STEPP for 30% off the retail price of $199!
Include 3 STEPP sensors (choice of black or white) + choice of sensor sleeve (black or red or blue or green) + charging case (black or white).
Step in time with Stepp, the new three-piece runner's wearable
By Aliya Barnwell — September 13, 2016 8:45 AM
Running coaches are there to make clients run the right way, avoid injuries and hit milestones. A good coach is in your ear telling you to push, or lengthen or shorten your stride. Most fitness trackers can’t do that, they’re limited by the tech — simple wrist bands can’t accurately track stride length or hip tilt. Contrary to the name, however, Stepp real-time running coach isn’t just a step counter. With its varied sensor placement, Stepp can track a greater range of motion than can most other wearables.
Now up on Kickstarter, Stepp is a three-piece device that attaches at the hip and to both shoes to record form data for the lower body. Using this info Stepp makes auditory suggestions to avoid pain and fatigue in the long run (pun intended), and to help improve performance. Stepp covers the obvious things like speed and cadence, but also makes real-time suggestions based on stride length, strike type, foot contact time and angle, swing speed, hip tilt, running balance, leg imbalances, knee and ankle impact force, and vertical movement.
Runners don’t even need to bring a cellphone if they don’t want detailed feedback. Stepp’s feedback can be configured to relay audio based on target areas. Fisher Shuoyu, co-founder of VST Technologies, the company behind Stepp, said, “You can totally turn on only strike length and pelvis tilt.”
Stepp’s app, where settings like audio relay are adjusted, could be a great tool for coaches. Since others can review the data in real time and respond, coaches can help clients remotely.The sensors are waterproof and run for about six hours on a charge. You can fill them up in a charging dock that works with any USB plug. Stepp comes in different colors to ensure it doesn’t offend your fashion sense.Stretch goals include adding smart watch support. Unfortunately, the campaign is only just over halfway to its $70,000 goal. If the goal is reached by October 8, however, VST Technology plans to deliver Stepp in July 2017. Backers can grab a Stepp sensor set for $120, saving 40 percent over the $199 retail price.
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