September 26th 2016
The Mid-Season IRONMAN Athletes' Choice Awards
With championship season upon us, we present the top 10 events from our athlete surveys so far this season.
It's championship season—a time when the best in the world gather to show their skills at the half and full distances. Two weeks ago in Mooloolaba they shone at the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship, and in two weeks' time, the best at the full distance will descend on the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona.
To honor our competitors' excellence, we gathered data from our athlete surveys as of the end of August, 2016 to compile this mid-season best of IRONMAN list. (Stay tuned for our overall ratings at the end of the year.)
As you plan your 2017 triathlon season, don't take it from us—take it from your fellow athletes. Below are the top 10 scoring events in their respective categories.
Overall Satisfaction
1. Kellogg's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "This race is simply epic—a classic, time-honored IRONMAN tradition."
2. IRONMAN France: "Swimming in the Mediterranean, cycling in the Alps, running along the seafront. It was an incredible, unforgettable day."
3. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "I love IRONMAN Canada. It's a family event: The kids do IRONKIDS and my husband and I do the IRONMAN race. Whistler is the perfect location for this event—we will be back next year!"
4. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "This race made me fall in love with IRONMAN racing and the awe inspiring country of South Africa. It was truly memorable."
5. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Whether you are a professional, elite, or newbie, everyone is made to feel valued and feel like they are important at this event. It's hard to explain to someone just what you go through during an IRONMAN, and it's great to revel in one's success at a course like this with its amazing community and volunteers. The town really gets behind this event and that is so unique."
6. IRONMAN Australia: "Port Macquarie has dialed this race in. We were all beyond impressed with the course, and the overall experience."
7. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "I was changed forever by this event."
8. IRONMAN Vineman: "This race had everything. I met great people (both athletes and volunteers), and being able to race in wine country...who could ask for more?"
9. Blueprint for Athletes IRONMAN Boulder: "This is my new favorite IRONMAN race, period. Plus, Boulder is a who's who of the sport—great for geeks like me!"
10. IRONMAN European Championship, Frankfurt: "This was my first time racing in Europe and wow, what an experience! I was blown away."
Best Overall Swim
1. IRONMAN Australia: "Swimming in the Hastings River was a wonderful experience, and the rolling start eased my mind."
2. Kellogg's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "The swim was magnificent. The lake is absolutely stunning and I would do it over again in a second."
3. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "Please don't change a thing! This was my first triathlon and expected to have an anxious first competitive, open water swim. But, I didn't. It was a steady, enjoyable swim. I attribute much of that to the swim course design and support. Flawless."
4. Blueprint for Athletes IRONMAN Boulder: "This was the best swim I have ever had (comfort, ease of sighting, quickest time) and was so blown away by all of the volunteers helping in the water. I felt so much safer than in any other race and felt that they helped keep us all on course."
5. Mainova RONMAN European Championship, Frankfurt: "I thought it was so cool how the start was outside of the city. It was a great way to start the day!"
6. IRONMAN France: "I felt totally at ease in the swim knowing there was plenty of support and safety boats should the inevitable happen and I ran into trouble. The course was well marked and the whole experience was unsurpassed!"
7. IRONMAN UK: "Pennington flash offered a brilliant swim for an IRONMAN. I loved the entire experience."
8. IRONMAN Maastricht: "A beautiful swim that goes under four bridges packed with supporters. That was awesome, still gives me goosebumps."
9. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "I felt safe and cared for the entire ocean swim, which I was nervous about. It turned out to be fantastic!"
10. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Another amazing, beautiful swim in Mirror Lake. I was nervous about the swim but I was able to relax and enjoy it!"
Best Overall Bike
1. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "The bike course was challenging and interesting. I appreciated the varied terrain, which kept it from being boring. The hills were challenging and the downhill fun. I liked that there were two lanes available for racers on the Keene decent. The bike course aid stations were appropriately spaced and the volunteers were fantastic throughout."
2. IRONMAN France: "A truly beautiful and demanding course. One of the prime reasons for participating in IRONMAN France."
3. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "I've never been happier on my bike. The bike course is amahhhhzing! I'm from the area and trained on the course so it was an absolute treat not to have to share the course with vehicles."
4. IRONMAN Austria: "An amazing bike course. Simply beautiful!"
5. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "The bike has a bit of everything. Don't mess with it!"
6. IRONMAN UK: "Excellent support and signage for directions all the way through."
7. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "The most perfect race and a beautiful, demanding course. Just what an IRONMAN bike course should be."
8. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "This was an exceptional bike course. I loved it. This was without a doubt the most beautiful bike ride I have ever done."
9. IRONMAN Vineman: "The course was very scenic and well managed. One of the prettiest, well maintained bike courses I've ever been on. It made me want to open a bottle of wine upon finishing."
10. IRONMAN Switzerland: "A fantastic course with a good mixture of speed and difficulties, and supporters all along the way."
Best Overall Run
1. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "The urban run at this race is awesome. Everything was top notch throughout, but especially the finish line!"
2. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "Amazing scenery and I loved that it goes through town where they are naturally a lot of spectators. It gives you the motivational boost you need."
3. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "The on-course nutrition and run course support were both excellent, and I love the design of this course. It offers so many spots for spectators to cheer you on."
4. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "A beautiful course with the right number of aid stations and a great party at each one. And you can't beat the shade and scenery!"
5. Mainova IRONMAN European Championship Frankfurt: "Fantastic finish line. The run course is great for spectators and support."
6. IRONMAN UK: "The run was varied and fantastic for supporters and spectators."
7. IRONMAN France: "I loved the run so much that I wouldn't change a thing. It was so much fun and so well supported."
8. IRONMAN Austria: "Superb run course, just perfect for a first-timer."
9. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "This course is tough, but enjoyable, and the support was fantastic,"
10. IRONMAN South American Championship, Brazil: "I set a run PR, so will never forget this run."
Best Race Venue Experience
1. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "The whole set up of this race is perfect, everything is close by, and easy to navigate."
2. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Amazing scenery and the best volunteers ever!"
3. IRONMAN Australia: "This venue has it dialed, I loved the support, the logistics were clear, and there was plenty to do in the area. The local support and race-day support that this event always delivers were my favorite elements of this event."
4. IRONMAN France: "The finish line, the camaraderie, the venue, the bike course... mind blowing! Glad my friends and family could somewhat attend as well. That was very important to me they don't struggle to see me on the run."
5. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "The new screen at the finish line was awesome and I received excellent feedback from my supporters."
6. IRONMAN Austria: "FANTASTIC! The organization, the briefing, the pasta party, the volunteers, the race, courses... all of these were amazing and make me confident and not nervous about the race."
7. Subaru IRONMAN Canada "Unreal venue, volunteers were everywhere and everything was top notch. Whistler is an unbelievable place and IRONMAN makes it shine."
8. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "The support from the volunteers and staff was awesome!"
9. IRONMAN Switzerland: "The overall organization and beauty of the bike and run course were my favorite."
10. IRONMAN UK: "The multi-lap nature of this race made it easy to see the other runners, friends, and family during the course—volume was excellent and the finish was just superb—the announcers at the end just made you feel amazing when you finished. Superb volunteers, very friendly and helpful and massively encouraging."
Best Host City Experience
1. IRONMAN Australia: "Port Macquarie is a wonderful place to spend a week and there's plenty to do."
2. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "You can't beat this for an IRONMAN town...so much beauty and energy everywhere."
3. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Lake Placid is such an amazing area of natural beauty with a neat Olympic legacy. The people and volunteers are amazing."
4. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "Whistler is beautiful and there was lots for the family to do. We found the local community so helpful as well."
5. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "The vibe around the city and on the course during the race made this a fun and unique event among all the races I've done. The city really embraces it."
6. IRONMAN Austria: "The logistics ran like clockwork, and it's an absolutely beautiful, friendly, and safe atmosphere, with lots of activities."
7. IRONMAN South American Championship, Brazil: "You really can't beat Florianopolis for its sparkling beaches and culture. I almost didn't want to race it was such a dynamic place to visit."
8. IRONMAN France: "If you haven't been to Nice, you're missing out. It's a beautiful part of the world."
9. IRONMAN Maastricht: "One unique thing I found about this race was all the different languages the spectators and locals spoke. We had an international group, and just found everyone so accommodating."
10. Blueprint for Athletes IRONMAN Boulder: "The Boulder area is a triathlon mecca. There are so many healthy food options leading up to the race and the community is highly supportive."
Best Post-Race Celebration
1. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "Thanks for the cookies...my favorite!"
2. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "A party right by the ocean, it was memorable."
3. IRONMAN Australia: "I loved the food in recovery this year, it was the best out of all six IRONMAN events I've raced."
4. IRONMAN Maastricht: "The whole experience, the crowd, and the top-notch organization."
5. Blueprint for Athletes IRONMAN Boulder: "The entire weekend starting Thursday to Sunday at midnight felt like a celebration. Coming down the finish shoot was the best experience, and a close second would be watching Mike Reilly's energy at the end of the night."
6. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Sharing the experience with friends and family. The finish was an experience I will never forget. The Olympic Oval is an ideal spot. I couldn't of gotten a better experience anywhere."
7. IRONMAN Switzerland: "The finish line experience made me feel special and valued."
8. Memorial Herman IRONMAN North American Championship, Texas: "Texas does everything big, and this was no different."
9. IRONMAN France: "I had the time of my life in Nice this year. Racing with friends is fantastic and I learned to race on this motto: Imagine, believe, achieve. Watching people at the finish line and in the garden afterwards is a life-changing experience."
10. IRONMAN Vineman: "There was such a fun post-race vibe at this event. So much energy all around."
Will Attend Next Year
1. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "It was an unforgettable, life changing experience. I enjoyed every second!"
2. IRONMAN South American Championship, Brazil: "A classic event, I go every year!"
3. IRONMAN Australia: "The family friendly atmosphere was next-level at this race. The finish chute is just so special at Port, I loved seeing the family and friends and thanking them before crossing the line."
4. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "As a first-time IRONMAN athlete and first-time New Zealand visitor I was blown away by the town and community. Everyone was so friendly, and I was fortunate enough to experience perfect race conditions and the setting was just stunning. I would do it again in a heartbeat."
5. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "Fantastic atmosphere at and around the race, very professionally organized, and I love the island itself."
6. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Despite the incredibly tough course, I look forward to doing it again. It's a classic!"
7. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "Running down the finishing shoot was incredible. Such a party! Whistler was made for hosting an IRONMAN and after experiencing it, don't want to do any others."
8. IRONMAN UK: "I was really impressed with the course, community, and event organization. I will definitely be taking part next year."
9. IRONMAN Austria: "Because of the amazing landscapes and the Worthesee lake, I was hooked!"
10. IRONMAN France: "I enjoyed very much my IRONMAN through this historic and cultural city. It was my first experience and I think I will repeat next year."
Will Recommend to a Friend
1. Standard Bank IRONMAN African Championship, South Africa: "IRONMAN events are always exciting and very well organized and managed. Thank you and well done.!I can't stop raving about the non-cluttered swim start, and the finish is always spectacular."
2. IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Simply a great event, well executed, great course, and smooth operations. The volunteers at the finish line made my day and I would recommend it to anyone interested in doing an IRONMAN race."
3. IRONMAN Austria: "Everything was brilliant, especially the volunteers. A special mention to them, from cheering first thing in the morning as you enter transition before the race to helping out and being there. Fantastic."
4. Kellog's Nutri-Grain IRONMAN New Zealand: "I just can't say enough positive words about the race and the volunteers—particularly those in the transition. I'm sure I'll never have a race experience that good again."
5. Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote: "The weather really cooperated this year, but regardless, this is a bucket-list IRONMAN for sure!"
6. IRONMAN France: "Swimming in the Mediterranean, cycling in the Alps, running along the seafront. It was the most incredible course."
7. IRONMAN UK: "Always a smile and always that 'go get em tiger' attitude from every single IRONMAN volunteer along the course."
8. IRONMAN Australia: "As a first timer, the overall experience for our five days in Port will stick with my family forever. My son (7 years old) competed in his first ever IRONKIDS and my family supported me through my first IRONMAN. Our accommodation (Port Pacific) was fantastic as too were the local restaurants."
9. Subaru IRONMAN Canada: "It's a hard bike course and the new pavement was a big improvement to last year! Keep it up IRONMAN Canada! I keep recommending your race."
10. Mainova IRONMAN European Championship Frankfurt: "This should be a mainstay on any European IRONMAN athlete's race calendar. I just can't say enough good things about the whole experience, venue, and organization."
Originally from: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/news/articles/2016/09/the-mid-season-ironman-athletes-choice-awards.aspx#ixzz4LWBjL26G
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